
Sara is a writer, photographer, and teacher documenting her adventures all over the globe. She has a passion for place and culture in her storytelling, and she hopes to use this blog to tell many tales, post lots of photos, offer travel advice, and perhaps wax philosophical.

Her worldwide travels began in Cambodia in the fall of 2011, and at present she resides in Istanbul, Turkey, where she was adopted by Roo, a sassy street cat and known cuddle monster.

Sara hopes to travel to Greece, Russia, Egypt, Morocco, Iran, and India.

You can reach her at theforeigntraveler@gmail.com and visit her official online portfolio here.


3 thoughts on “About

    • I’m working as an English teacher to support myself, but I also have some savings that I’m able to use to make some more extended trips. For native speakers, teaching is a really great way to see the world if you don’t have much in the bank!

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